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Threads | Messages | Originator | Last Post |
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1 | Jan Erik |
3/7/2004 10:04 (GMT -5) By Jan Erik |
Resurrect CthAngband! | 2 | Thoth |
6/2/2016 22:24 (GMT -5) By Anonymous Coward |
Shadowflare | 4 | nOOb-mAsTeR |
5/28/2007 14:46 (GMT -5) By nOOb-mAsTeR |
what is the hardest roguelike? | 9 | headcutter |
1/16/2007 13:24 (GMT -5) By Cat Lord Lord |
incursion | 10 | **cHAoTicChaOs** |
6/21/2008 16:48 (GMT -5) By Silfir |
MazeCrawl v0.9.1 Demo | 4 | volos314 |
7/17/2007 23:58 (GMT -5) By Hendar23 |
DOOM the roguelike | 25 | Corremn |
5/6/2008 16:03 (GMT -5) By FantomFang |
JADE? | 7 | Battle bunny |
6/2/2008 03:05 (GMT -5) By prohna |
Gruesome (my own RL) | 5 | Darren Grey |
5/18/2009 11:17 (GMT -5) By Random Lurker |
Transcendence | 9 | Dark Knight |
10/25/2007 16:30 (GMT -5) By J. |
Hellgate London | 9 | BrasilianWeirdVideos |
9/30/2009 20:02 (GMT -5) By BrasilianWeirdVideos |
Guild | 13 | netlava |
6/5/2009 12:06 (GMT -5) By Thet Naing Htwe |
Emerald Roguelike | 9 | Branflakes |
1/31/2008 11:11 (GMT -5) By BreakMT |
ToME 2 | 3 | 404 not found |
9/29/2013 16:53 (GMT -5) By 404 not found |
ADom...Best RoguelikE?
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49 | @ |
3/7/2013 07:26 (GMT -5) By Spartan Spartacus |
The Achilles Project | 5 | Percy |
12/22/2010 12:58 (GMT -5) By Percy |
ADOM Custom modification | 4 | Atmo |
9/24/2009 00:31 (GMT -5) By Jan Erik |
New RL | 17 | JCool14 |
5/17/2009 12:22 (GMT -5) By Jan Erik |
World of Warcraft | 19 | Reverend PrOHna |
5/12/2009 03:36 (GMT -5) By Chaos Biscut |
Making a Sci-Fi roguelike
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54 | Hendar23 |
5/11/2009 12:56 (GMT -5) By Vale |
Spelunky | 2 | Nillo |
3/18/2009 18:55 (GMT -5) By Nillo |
Elona | 9 | Rephikul |
8/24/2008 09:56 (GMT -5) By Rephikul |
Dwarf Fortress | 17 | Duke Ravage |
8/11/2008 12:38 (GMT -5) By Silfir |
GridQuest! Somewhat Zelda-like | 1 | BrasilianWeirdVideos |
8/10/2008 09:31 (GMT -5) By BrasilianWeirdVideos |
TOME | 3 | Kingsdragon |
6/28/2008 06:53 (GMT -5) By Kingsdragon |
ADOM mod for NWN | 7 | feilos |
5/26/2008 11:50 (GMT -5) By Hendar23 |
Roguelike Tutorial | 3 | Branflakes |
1/17/2008 01:31 (GMT -5) By Branflakes |
Dwarf Fortress | 3 | BrasilianWeirdVideos |
1/7/2008 18:50 (GMT -5) By BrasilianWeirdVideos |
HBlade | 8 | BreakMT |
1/3/2008 16:18 (GMT -5) By BreakMT |
UnAngband (best *band IMO) | 7 | BrasilianWeirdVideos |
12/9/2007 22:08 (GMT -5) By BrasilianWeirdVideos |
ZAngbandTK | 2 | Chaines |
11/28/2007 15:57 (GMT -5) By BrasilianWeirdVideos |
Ascension | 4 | Sulangatori |
10/27/2007 02:43 (GMT -5) By Narcolepcy |
lacewing | 2 | Narcolepcy |
10/26/2007 18:15 (GMT -5) By Hendar23 |
Warp Rogue | 2 | BrasilianWeirdVideos |
10/24/2007 05:11 (GMT -5) By Narcolepcy |
Ultra Realistc? | 4 | Mant |
9/30/2007 13:22 (GMT -5) By BrasilianWeirdVideos |
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36 | satyricon |
9/24/2007 14:00 (GMT -5) By BrasilianWeirdVideos |
IVAN | 10 | duke ravage |
7/29/2007 09:59 (GMT -5) By Iridia |
Runescape? | 21 | nOOb-mAsTeR |
7/17/2007 08:15 (GMT -5) By Battle bunny |
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79 | Ironfist |
6/25/2007 23:17 (GMT -5) By gravel |
Not roguelikes, but cool | 2 | nOOb-mAsTeR |
6/4/2007 16:21 (GMT -5) By nOOb-mAsTeR |
Minions of Mirth | 1 | nOOb-mAsTeR |
4/22/2007 13:59 (GMT -5) By nOOb-mAsTeR |
How do I make a roguelike? | 16 | Echo |
3/20/2007 17:54 (GMT -5) By Hendar23 |
Best Multiplayer PC game.
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37 | feilos |
3/16/2007 19:57 (GMT -5) By Hendar23 |
Modern day Roguelike... | 10 | nOOb-mAsTeR |
2/5/2007 15:39 (GMT -5) By Jan Erik |
Adom alternatives | 22 | WiredLain |
2/2/2007 06:59 (GMT -5) By mooseproduce |
Anyone good with Dungeon Crawl | 12 | Alex |
12/28/2006 02:46 (GMT -5) By Battle bunny |
GOod Mud games? | 4 | Emerald |
12/18/2006 08:27 (GMT -5) By FaultyLogic |
Ancient Roguelike | 5 | Thoth |
8/11/2006 19:09 (GMT -5) By Swiftfingers |
Bots 2 | 13 | Morio |
7/6/2006 05:18 (GMT -5) By Taarn |
Fighting Fantasy! | 8 | *Chaos Muffin* |
6/29/2006 01:11 (GMT -5) By Corremn |
rougelike multiplayer? | 8 | demented_yam |
5/8/2006 05:53 (GMT -5) By PowerWyrm |
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